Neng - Nash Equilibrium Non-cooperative games

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Neng is a tool for computing Nash equilibrium in non-cooperative games (the strategic situation where contestants/players facing each other and not making any alliances). The game is represented by payoffs or outcomes for every combination of actions of every players. Every player has at least two strategies from which he can freely choose.

Nash equilibrium is presenting to us balanced situation, thus situation where no player wants to change his strategy. It’s important to tell that it does not tell us when the players has biggest outcomes.

Indices and tables

neng Package

mod:neng Module


Main method of script. Based on information from arguments executes needed commands.


Parse arguments of script.

Returns:parsed arguments
Return type:dict

game Module

class, trim='normalization')[source]

Bases: object

Class Game wrap around all informations of noncooperative game. Also it provides basic analyzation of game, like pureBestResponse, if the game is degenerate. It also contains an algorithm for iterative elimination of strictly dominated strategies and can compute pure Nash equilibria using brute force.

>>> g = Game(game_str)
>>> ne = g.findEquilibria(method='pne')
>>> print g.printNE(ne)

Initialize basic attributes in Game

  • nfg (str) – string containing the game in nfg format
  • trim (str) – method of assuring that strategy profile lies in Delta space,’normalization’|’penalization’

Iterative elimination of strictly dominated strategies.

Eliminates all strict dominated strategies, preserve self.array and self.shape in self.init_array and self.init_shape. Stores numbers of deleted strategies in self.deleted_strategies. Deletes strategies from self.array and updates self.shape.


Lyapunov function. If LyapunovFunction(p) == 0 then p is NE.

x_{ij}(p)           & = u_{i}(si, p_i) \\
y_{ij}(p)           & = x_{ij}(p) - u_i(p) \\
z_{ij}(p)           & = \max[y_{ij}(p), 0] \\
LyapunovFunction(p) & = \sum_{i \in N} \sum_{1 \leq j \leq \mu} z_{ij}(p)^2

Beside this function we need that strategy_profile is in universum Delta (basicaly to have character of probabilities for each player). We can assure this with two methods: normalization and penalization.

Parameters:strategy_profile_flat (list) – list of parameters to function
Returns:value of Lyapunov function in given strategy profile
Return type:float
METHODS = ['L-BFGS-B', 'SLSQP', 'CMAES', 'support_enumeration', 'pne']

Check if every strategy of strategy profile is best response to other strategies.

Parameters:strategy_profile (StrategyProfile) – examined strategy profile
Returns:whether every strategy is best response to others
Return type:bool

Check if given container of strategy profiles contains only Nash equlibria.

Parameters:nes – container of strategy profiles to examine
Returns:whether every strategy profile pass NE test
Return type:boool

Find all equilibria, using method

Parameters:method (str, one of Game.METHODS) – of computing equilibria
Returns:list of NE, if not found returns None
Return type:list of StrategyProfile
Returns:list of dominated strategies per player
Return type:list

Function computes pure Nash equlibria using brute force algorithm.

Returns:list of StrategyProfile that are pure Nash equilibria
Return type:list

Degenerate game is defined for two-players games and there can be infinite number of mixed Nash equilibria.

Returns:True if game is said as degenerated
Return type:bool
isMixedBestResponse(player, strategy_profile)[source]

Check if strategy of player from strategy_profile is best response for opponent strategies.

  • player (int) – player who should respond
  • strategy_profile – strategy profile

True if strategy_profile[players] is best response

Return type:


payoff(strategy_profile, player, pure_strategy=None)[source]

Function to compute payoff of given strategy_profile.

  • strategy_profile (StrategyProfile) – strategy profile of all players
  • player (int) – player for whom the payoff is computed
  • pure_strategy (int) – if not None player strategy will be replaced by pure strategy of that number

value of payoff

Return type:


printNE(nes, payoff=False)[source]

Print Nash equilibria with with some statistics

  • nes (list of StrategyProfile) – list of Nash equilibria
  • payoff (bool) – flag to print payoff of each player

string to print

Return type:


pureBestResponse(player, strategy)[source]

Computes pure best response strategy profile for given opponent strategy and player

  • player (int) – player who should respond
  • strategy (list) – opponnet strategy

set of best response strategies

Return type:

set of coordinates

game_reader Module

class neng.game_reader.GameReader[source]

Bases: object

Read games from different file formats (.nfg payoff, .nfg outcome), see for more information.


Read content of nfg file.

Parameters:file (str) – path to file
Returns:dictionary with game informations
Return type:dict

Base function that convert text to tokens a determine which

Parameters:string (str) – string with nfg formated text
Returns:dictionary with game informations
Return type:dict
Raise :Exception, if the string is not in specified format[source]

strategy_profile Module

class neng.strategy_profile.StrategyProfile(profile, shape, coordinate=False)[source]

Bases: object

Wraps information about strategy profile of game.

  • profile (list) – one- level list of probability coefficients
  • shape (list) – list of number of strategies per player
  • coordinate (bool) – if True, then profile is considered as coordinate in game universum (depict pure strategy profile)

Copy constructor for StrategyProfile. Copies content of self to new object.

Returns:StrategyProfile with same attributes

Normalizes values in StrategyProfile, values can’t be negative, bigger than one and sum of values of one strategy has to be 1.0.


Makes strategy of every player random.


Makes strategy of player random.

Parameters:player (int) – player, whos strategy will be randomized
updateWithPureStrategy(player, pure_strategy)[source]

Replaces strategy of player with pure_strategy

  • player (int) – order of player
  • pure_strategy (int) – order of strategy to be pure


cmaes Module

class neng.cmaes.CMAES(func, N, sigma=0.3, xmean=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class CMAES represent algorithm Covariance Matrix Adaptation - Evolution Strategy. It provides function minimization.

  • func (function) – function to be minimized
  • N (int) – number of parameter of function
  • sigma (float) – step size of method
  • xmean (np.array) – initial point, if None some is generated

Termination criteria of method. They are checked every iteration. If any of them is true, computation should end.

Returns:True if some termination criteria was met, False otherwise
Return type:bool

Method for actual function minimization. Iterates while not end. If unsuccess termination criteria is met then the method is restarted with doubled population. If the number of maximum evaluations is reached or the function is acceptable minimized, iterations ends and result is returned.

Return type:scipy.optimize.Result
initVariables(sigma, xmean, lamda_factor=1)[source]

Init variables that can change after restart of method, basically that are dependent on lamda.

  • sigma (float) – step size
  • xmean (np.array) – initial point
  • lamda_factor (float) – factor for multyplying old lambda, serves for restarting method

Function for logging the progress of method.


Generate new generation of individuals.

Return type:np.array
Returns:new generation

Restart whole method to initial state, but with population multiplied by lamda_factor.

Parameters:lamda_factor (int) – multiply factor

Result of computation. Not returned while minimization is in progress.

Returns:result of computation
Return type:scipy.optimize.Result

Update values of method from new evaluated generation

Parameters:arfitness (list) – list of function values to individuals
neng.cmaes.fmin(func, N)[source]

Function for easy call function minimization from other modules.

  • func (function) – function to be minimized
  • N (int) – number of parameters of given function

resulting statistics of computation with result

Return type:


support_enumeration Module

class neng.support_enumeration.SupportEnumeration(game)[source]

Bases: object

Class providing support enumeration method for finding all mixed Nash equilibria in two-players games.

getEquationSet(combination, player, num_supports)[source]

Return set of equations for given player and combination of strategies for 2 players games in support_enumeration

This function returns matrix to compute (Nisan algorithm 3.4)

For given I (subset of strategies) of player 1 we can write down next equations:

\sum_{i \in I} x_i b_{ij} = v \\
\sum_{i \in I} x_i = 1

Where x_i is probability of ith strategy, b_{ij} is payoff for player 2 with strategies i \in I, j \in J, v payoff for player 1

In matrix form (k = num_supports):

b_{11} & b_{12} & \cdots & b_{1k} & -1 \\
b_{21} & b_{22} & \cdots & b_{2k} & -1 \\
\vdots  & \vdots  & \ddots & \vdots & -1 \\
b_{k1} & b_{k2} & \cdots & b_{kk} & -1 \\
1      &    1   & \cdots &  1     &  0
x_1 \\
x_2 \\
\vdots \\
x_k \\
0 \\
0 \\
\vdots \\
0 \\

Analogically for result y for player 2 with payoff matrix A

  • combination (tuple) – combination of strategies to make equation set
  • player (int) – order of player for whom the equation will be computed
  • num_supports (int) – number of supports for player

equation matrix for solving in np.linalg.solve

Return type:



Computes all mixed NE of 2 player noncooperative games. If the game is degenerate game.degenerate flag is ticked.

Returns:list of NE computed by method support enumeration
Return type:list

Function for easy calling SupportEnumeration from other modules.

Returns:result of support enumeration algorithm
Return type:list of StrategyProfile

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